Asparagus may not be a “treat” for you but it certainly can be for rabbits.
It’s one of the best and healthiest foods you can feed your rabbit. It’s beyond a doubt a fibrous, nutritive, and anti inflammatory food.
The right way to feed rabbits asparagus is mixed with other veggies. Such as cucumber, fennel, Brussel sprouts, and bok choy. Yes, of course; there’s lettuce which is a favorite food too. But there’s more to feed rabbits than plain, old lettuce and carrots.
This is exactly why answering to can rabbits eat asparagus is important. It helps you stay up to date about your rabbit’s diet. And keeps your rabbit happy and less bored with what he eats.
Table of Contents
Can Rabbits Eat Asparagus – Feeding Asparagus for the First Time
Rabbits have sensitive tummies. If you already have one, you know this better than anyone. And if you’re preparing to adopt a rabbit, aren’t you glad you finally know!?
When you first introduce asparagus to your rabbit, take it slow. Keep breaks in between each feeding. So if you fed her some pieces of asparagus on Monday. Wait until Friday to see if he can eat it again. Even if there are no signs of discomfort or pain or diarrhea.
It’s always best to do a trial run before trying anything new with a rabbit.
Feed a thumb sized piece of asparagus, at first. Soon afterward, finish off by feeding 2 3 small pieces of veggies. This can be any green leafy vegetable you’re rabbit is familiar with.
Asparagus, like celery, contains a lot of water. So feeding too much at first can result in loose stools or diarrhea.
Another good way to maintain a nutritious and healthy diet. Feed your rabbit high quality and fibrous pellets. This is to ensure your rabbit gets the ideal amount of fiber. Fiber is essential for passing stools comfortably and painlessly.
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You can get pellets at any pet store. But you must look for something nutritive and good. Such as pellets with at least 18% fiber content. Pellets made from natural ingredients like oats and alfalfa.
Such pellets pack a nutritive punch. And provide all the necessary nutrients to your rabbit. Especially when included with healthy veggies such as asparagus. Just as you would never buy veggies in stock. You must never buy pellets in large quantities.
The pellets retain most of their nutrient goodness when they’re fresh. The same goes for asparagus and other veggies.
Feeding Asparagus Along with Other Veggies
Asparagus is not especially healthy for rabbits. They are nutritious and safe if that’s what you want to know. For example, asparagus is low in calcium. And rabbits need calcium for better immunity and bone health.
But rabbits absorb calcium faster. So a spike in calcium can lead to kidney problems.
So feeding a leafy vegetable that’s high in calcium is a good idea. That’s why mixing asparagus with other vegetables is necessary. Another good thing about asparagus is that it’s vitamin rich and contains minerals.
What’s the one thing rabbits eat more than anything? It’s hay! It’s a staple food for rabbits as it keeps bacterial infections at bay. It’s good for digestion, intestinal health, and prevents autoimmune diseases.
But along with hay, veggies make the perfect diet to prevent diseases. Well Chosen veggies like asparagus can be rewarding. It even reduces the chances of bloating, vomiting, and gas.
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Feeding the Asparagus Stalk
There’s nothing wrong with feeding your rabbit the asparagus’ stalk. But it’s best to avoid it if your rabbit has a sensitive tummy. It’s just that the stalk is harder to digest. So it can cause choking or tooth pain.
Do not feed the stalk if your rabbit is too young. Or hasn’t developed proper teeth. It would be even more difficult to chew on the crunch asparagus stalk with undeveloped or sensitive teeth.
Signs Your Rabbit is Sick
These are the most probable signs that your rabbit isn’t adapting to asparagus. You should be able to tell within 4 5 days of feeding. And take your rabbit to the vet as soon as possible.
Excessive stools or loose stools: This is a common symptom of indigestion. It occurs when there’s too much water content in poop. Asparagus is a water rich vegetable.
Feeding too much of it can lead to this. If it worsens to diarrhea, it may also be some GI (gastrointestinal) infection.
Loss of appetite: Changes in appetite may mean stomach pain or discomfort. Rabbits digest calcium and other nutrients slower than other animals. So overfeeding veggies as asparagus may lead to discomfort.
Lethargy: This could happen for a whole bunch of reasons. But it’s best to keep track of how much water and food your rabbit is consuming. If anything seems out of the ordinary, it may be overfeeding or malnourishment causing lethargy.
Conclusion – Can Rabbits Eat Asparagus!!
This is the best time to include fresh vegetables into your rabbit’s diet. Asparagus is a healthy and easily available treat for rabbits. You may not be able to feed a baby rabbit asparagus. But wait until his teeth develop completely.
Asparagus is easier to chew with fully grown teeth. It also digests smoothly and quickly. So no diarrhea, loose stools, and changes in appetite. Rabbits need protein, fiber, calcium, and vitamins.
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Adding a blend of asparagus along with other veggies is essential. It keeps your rabbit miles and miles away from getting bored of eating hay and pellets. And don’t we all know that green veggies do a great job of keeping bacteria at bay?
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