That is a big question for anyone who wants to choose the best dog harness because the wrong dog harness can be HARMFUL to the dog's throat and neck if it is not fit properly. You need to check the perimeter of the dog first. It is the length from behind the forward-facing … [Read more...]
How To Euthanize A Dog At Home Without A Vet?
It’s difficult to watch your best friend struggling. If only you could take the pain away… you would. The question is, would you still do it if it means putting an end to his or her life? One of the hardest things about being a pet owner is the inevitability of having to let … [Read more...]
The Complete Guide to Car Safety For Dogs
Taking your furry companion along on a car trip is both exciting and hazardous, as canines aren’t exactly keen on riding in vehicles. Since these car rides are unavoidable, you need to teach your pet to be fearless and relaxed when accompanying you to run the … [Read more...]
Living with Your Pup: How to Find Dog-Friendly Housing
Finding a nice home to live in can be tricky enough. However, as a dog parent, you will quickly discover that your renting issues can get a lot worse. This is because many landlords are hesitant to lease outhouses to people with pets. Their argument is that dogs tend to damage … [Read more...]
6 Hard & Fast Tips Every Pet Owner Needs To Know
Pets are amazing companions and adopting one can be a life-changing decision. Getting a new pet is extremely exciting and rewarding, but you should know that aside from all the fun, adopting a pet is also quite a responsibility. You need to make sure that the pets are well-fed … [Read more...]
All About Why Every Dog Should Have A Dog Box
A dog box is not only super practical for the transport of your dog, but above all a great retreat for home or office. Pixie would even prefer her dog box to any basket. Why this is so and why every dog should have a dog box, I tell you in this article. Have fun … [Read more...]
How To Care For A Senior Dogs
To ensure that senior dogs stay healthy and happy, it is necessary to know their special needs. Like us, your dog will appreciate a large soft bed in which to lie comfortably, especially if you have joint pain. Place it in a warm and quiet place, away from drafts. Make sure … [Read more...]
How You Can Find the Best Home For Your Dog
A dog is not a thing. A thing is replaceable. A dog is not. An item is disposable. A dog is not. An idea doesn’t have a heart. A dog’s heart is more significant than any “thing” you can ever own. If your heart doesn’t melt with Elizabeth Parker’s lines, you are really in need of … [Read more...]
A Local Animal Hospital and Spaying and Neutering
The most important thing about spaying and neutering your pet is to do it right. And the only way you can protect your pet from harm is to know what is really is. Nobody tells you what spaying and neutering is. That is outside of a reliable local animal hospital. To know what … [Read more...]
Senior Care Solutions Discuss the Benefits of Service Dogs for Individuals with Dementia
We sat down with Senior Care Solutions to discuss the topic we will be discussing in this article is dogs as companions for elderly people. This is just one of the many roles that a dog may fill for loved ones. Having unconditional love from a pet may provide seniors who … [Read more...]