It’s a simple question; can dogs eat Goldfish crackers? They are safe for consumption BUT only in small amounts and occasionally. However, there’s more about this particular topic that you need to know. For example, what ingredients are a part of Goldfish crackers? And why … [Read more...]
Calculating Required Calories for Dog, Based on Science by OSU
The Veterinary Medical Center at The Ohio State University provides more than 18,500 pets with health and medical care each year. Research and hands-on experience has led the center to develop lots of nutritional information and guidance for pet owners to calculator calories for … [Read more...]
Can Dogs Eat Nectarines and Peaches? How to Feed Them?
From the time dog-specific food has come into the picture, humans have ceased to feed human food to dogs. Am I right? I mean our ancestors used to feed whatever was available. Like leftover fruits, vegetables, meat, etc. But that’s not the case anymore. There is whole dog food … [Read more...]
Can Dogs Eat Pretzels? Why Are They Bad for Dogs?
Pretzels are hard to resist. They’re a very popular treat. Be it traditionally soft-baked or flavored. Likewise, be it small, hard, and salty or larger. But does that mean pretzels are a snack that our canine friends can also enjoy? Can dogs eat pretzels? No matter how cute … [Read more...]
Can Dogs Eat Squid? The Most Important Concerns
Do you simply love to cook new recipes and try new experiments in the kitchen? If yes, then seafood might be a huge part of that experience. In that case, if you have a canine friend around, can dogs eat squid? Do you absolutely love to enjoy delicious calamari dishes? But can … [Read more...]
Can Dogs Eat Liver? How to Cook Liver for Dogs? (Tips You Need To Know)
There’s just no denying how highly nutritious organ meat like liver is. For both humans and canines! It might seem icky for you to feed the liver to your dog. But your furry companion doesn’t find it icky one bit. So can dogs eat liver? Even though highly nutritious and tasty, is … [Read more...]
Can Dogs Eat Raw Meat? Should You Feed Your Pet Raw Meat
Actually, the raw diet for dogs is increasing in prevalence. People with dogs have a common misconception about raw meat for their dogs. They tend to think that dogs should eat raw meat as they would do in the wild. In case you have once wondered “Can I feed my dog raw meat?” … [Read more...]
Can Dogs Eat Honeydew And How Much? (What You Need To Know)
No doubt honeydew melon is sweet and refreshing. It’s the perfect delicious summer treat that dogs enjoy as much as humans. But can dogs eat honeydew? Is the melon safe for consumption? Or should your four-legged furry companion avoid the fruit altogether? Keep on reading to know … [Read more...]
What Are The Best Diabetic Dog Food Brands? Find Out Here!
Diabetes can be common among dogs, especially when they delight in almost every food. So, to help you prevent your pet from suffering, we’ve gathered the top 10 dry dog food you need to check out. We are not the only ones who may suffer from diabetes. Since they love eating as … [Read more...]
Best Dog Food For Chihuahua – Ultimate Buying Guide
Chihuahuas are among the most lively and most energetic small and toy breed dogs. They breathe life into every home they belong to. I believe all of us will agree that they make life so much better. Given this, it is only fitting that we give back the love they give us. The … [Read more...]