If you have a guinea pig at home, figuring out what you can feed him or her is necessary. And it doesn’t hurt to look at new food choices. Such as fresh veggies, vegetables, and other human-foods. Do you think can guinea pigs can eat pickles? Pickles are sour and salt … [Read more...]
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cranberries? Are They the Best Choice?
Guinea pigs can enjoy a treat or two once in a while. This includes antioxidant-rich cranberries as well. So can guinea pigs eat cranberries? YES, your cavy can indeed devour them BUT only in moderation. Fruits like these are beneficial when consumed in limited quantities by … [Read more...]
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Eggs? The Most Useful Tips!
There are many things you can feed your guinea pig. A better way to make your pet pig a part of the family by feeding the food you eat. But not every food is safe for your guinea pig. Even when the majority of the guinea pig’s diet is made up of hay, grass, and scraps. Adding … [Read more...]
Can Guinea Pigs Eat Watermelon? (The Most Useful Tips)
It can’t be that you’ve never thought about feeing your guinea pig some fruit. And I bet you’re thinking of something less exotic but healthy. Perhaps… watermelon? Who doesn’t love a bowl of watermelon during the summer? But can Guinea Pigs eat watermelon? Let’s think about … [Read more...]
Guinea Pigs: Fun, Interesting Facts
Cute little creatures, guinea pigs are a lot you don’t know. Even though they’re very popular as pets, not many pet owners know much about them. But this is not necessarily a bad thing. However, if you want to be a more caring, loving, and responsible pet parent. Then you should … [Read more...]