The fact that animals are widely misunderstood makes me a bit angry. I’m not talking about veterinarians here. In fact, I am proud and thankful for the work they do in order to provide our little friends with the best possible care. They do constant research and aim at discovering as much as they can about our little friends since they cannot speak for themselves.
But, do you know who I am talking about? Pet owners. That’s right. I believe that each and every owner, including me, should be more responsible in terms of staying up to date with all the ways in which you can contribute to your animal’s health and overall quality of life.
For example, I was recently rather surprised by seeing how many people aren’t properly informed about the products found here ( as well as some other places online. Some individuals have their facts right, while others get everything completely wrong. In my opinion, that leads to a certain level of neglect when it comes to our pets.
This wrongful spread of information is exactly what made me write this article. I want to help you understand how CBD oil works and if it is safe to be used by our animals. I’ll start with some basics about the receptors and the systems in our bodies that are in direct link with this product.
The Endocannabinoid System
Roughly 25 years ago, the endocannabinoid system (ECS) was discovered in human beings. However, it has also been found that all animals have this system as well. Although it is pervasive in mammalian species, it is definitely not limited there. In any case, all of our most common pets certainly have it.
This system is responsible for maintaining a healthy balance in the bodies of both humans and animals. But, let’s focus on animals for now. Some of the significant functions that it has been connected to the memory, mood, appetite, movement, coordination, sleep, as well as the whole metabolism and the immune system. Read this.
Basically, this system works with the help of three mechanisms, i.e. cannabinoids, receptors, and enzymes that produce endocannabinoids. When there is an imbalance in the functioning of your animal’s body, the ECS induces a release of enzymes that produce the endocannabinoids. Afterward, those endocannabinoids bind to the receptors, which can be found in the brain, as well as the whole body.
That way, the functioning of the organism is returned to normal and the necessary balance is restored. As you can see, the ECS is rather significant for the wellbeing of your pet. Discovering its existence was a big scientific breakthrough, which allowed experts to understand how cannabis-based products can affect our pets and determine once and for all whether CBD oil has any benefits whatsoever for our animals.
CBD And Pets
After the above explanation, it is pretty clear what ECS is and how it is important for the health of our doggies, kitties, and other pets. Let’s now make a connection between this system and CBD, in order to better understand what this product does in the organism. For your better understanding, I’ll make this short and as clear as possible.
Although your body produces its own cannabinoids, sometimes, this is simply not enough. CBD oil interacts with the ECS in order to help restore the balance necessary for the proper functioning of your little companion. Keep in mind that it does this in a completely natural way, meaning that it simply pushes your body towards producing more cannabinoids on its own. This information, combined with the fact that CBD has no hallucinogenic properties, goes to show that the product is completely safe.
Here are some facts about ECS that you might not have known.
Although there are different products made from CBD, oil is known to be the most effective one. In addition to that, it is pretty easy to administer it to your animal. A few drops on the tongue will do the trick. However, if they struggle, you can always drip the oil on your pet’s favorite treat. That way, you will make sure it was properly applied.
Can All Animals Use CBD Oil?
We have learned what the ECS is and how it is connected to CBD. Given the fact that all animals appear to have this system, a simple question poses itself. Is CBD safe to be used by every single one of our pets? Can all of them enjoy the vast benefits that come with this product?
So far, CBD oil has successfully been given to dogs, cats, and horses. If you have any other pet, the best thing you can do is consult your vet. That is the perfect way to know how your animal might react to this medicine before actually starting to use it.