There are many professional protection dog training services out there; but do you really want to spend a lot just to have your pet protecting you from threats? Here are some tips to provide the best training at home!
One of the main reasons that lead people to get dogs is to keep themselves safe. I cannot blame you if protection is all that you are after when it comes to your beloved furball. After all, dogs are probably the smartest and the most intuitive household pets we have today.
So, it goes without saying that employing the most effective protection dog training practices is important. The problem is that many of us usually think that a protection dog is not capable of affection. In some cases, it is the other way around— we tend to think that a mere household dog cannot provide the protection we need. Well, it is about time that we change such misconceptions. Frankly speaking, you can have a loving, affectionate pet that can protect you and your family just as well as a highly trained professional dog!
Of course, it all starts with the best protection dog training; and below, I will walk you through the right practices to make it possible.
Table of Contents
Tips For Protection Dog Training
1. Teach Basic Obedience
Before anything else, your pet needs to learn how to obey. Big things root from small things; and if your pet does not know how to follow simple commands, it is impossible to level up to complex instructions. This is of utmost importance especially if you are conducting protection dog training for a household dog with no professional aid.
You can start this process by simply commanding your dog to sit, stand, lie down, or approach you when you call his or her name if there is any. He or she should know how to respond accordingly.
You will know that you have an obedient pet once he or she responds consistently. Otherwise, you might need to spend more time. Even more, patience might be required because some dogs can really be stubborn. Remember to make giving out commands a habit so that both you and your pet may develop a special bond as well.
2. Inculcate Social Behavior
Social skills are very significant, whether your dog is meant for protection or not. For an efficient protection dog training, you need to get him or her out there.
When we say socialization, we are not just referring to interactions with other pets and/or people. It is all about familiarizing the world. However, you might be wondering, “how does this help?”
Well, it helps a lot because your pet develops a sense of connection. The more familiar he or she is of his or her surroundings, the fewer chances there are of your pet to fear or feel uncomfortable in relatively new situations. Your dog needs to understand what constitutes as threats and what do not. So, for this reason, you need to take him or her out regularly. Be it a walk in the park a few hours a week or playtime, it matters.
3. Ensure Disciplined Barking
Your dog is inclined to bark at anything and anyone. That is the best way he or she can communicate and express himself or herself. That being said, you need to discipline his or her barking habits.
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When it comes to protection dog training practice, the first thing you have to teach your pet is to bark at strangers. Being able to distinguish strangers from you and your social circle is a huge deal for a protection dog. It helps him or her perfect his or her ability to distinguish threats properly.
Then, your pet also needs to master barking on command. To do this, you may train your pet to bark when you say a particular word.
An excellent protection dog knows how to do both— barking at strangers and on command. It proves that he or she is smart enough to guard you.
4. Enhance Defense.
Of course, conducting protection dog training boils down to one purpose— teaching your pet to protect you at all times. The best way to enhance your dog’s defense against potential threats is this:
Have someone, considerably a “stranger” to your dog, approach and provoke him or her. To ensure that person’s safety, have he or she wears protective gear such as a dog attack suit. Alternatively, he or she can wear oven mitts— just in case your pet becomes too aggressive.
Now, you give your pet the command to defend you. Once he or she barks at the person, the latter should express fear and run away.
This trick allows you to build up your dog’s confidence. Doing this for a couple of times will help shape his or her intuition, especially during potentially dangerous situations.
I understand if you have doubts doing this procedure. It is a little bit tricky but knowing your pet very well makes all the difference.
If you are feeling even more confident, you can command your protection dog to grab the person’s protected hand and bite it. However, I do not encourage you to do this if you have an extremely aggressive or moody dog.
5. Set Limitations
Of course, when your pet responds to a threat, it should only be done to a certain extent. It is reasonable to set limitations; it is part of his or her discipline.
Once your dog barks at a stranger and/or grabs him or her, he or she should be willing to stop. That happens once you give another command.
Being able to limit your pet’s aggression and defense mechanisms allows you to control him or her. The moment you lose that control over him or her is the moment he or she becomes unfit as a protection dog.
To Wrap It Up
You do not need to choose between a disciplined protection dog and a loving household pet. With the right protection dog training practices and affection your four-legged best friend needs, you can have both in one!
It is really expensive to hire professional services to have a well-trained dog. Aside from the cost, it might also turn your pet to become more aggressive. Nonetheless, there are a lot of ways you can do the training at your home. The best thing about doing it yourself is that it allows you to bond with your pet. Overall, it makes the whole experience more personal for both of you.
I hope that you have learned valuable insights from our discussion today. Have you tried training your dog to keep you safe? How was your experience? Let us know if you have any tips for our fellow dog parents! Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out; we would love to hear from you!
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